Oh yeah. That title caught your attention!

You may remember me telling you about The Well’s daily devotion and the way we’ve all contributed to this month’s devotions. (If you’ve forgotten, I suggest you see a doctor soon as it was only two days ago and dementia is a big possibility for you).

Well, the most highly anticipated devotion of the month has finally arrived.

Ladies and Gentlemen, today’s focus verse is “Greet one another with a Holy Kiss”.

Who, you are thinking, would have been mad brave enough to pick that verse to write about in a devotion that the whole Well community would read? (Indeed, that now the whole world can read since they are all on the blog)

That would be me.

If you haven’t already left me in your eagerness to find out how your kissing can be sanctified, do head over to The Well’s daily devotion blog. And don’t forget to leave your comments here, I would LOVE to hear your feedback on this one!